Friday, March 11, 2011

Video: Star Wars - The Old Republic at GDC

Anyone who knows me knows how excited I am for this game to be released. It has everything I want a game to have: Star Wars (I'm a big fan) and a massively multiplayer universe. Granted, I don't always love MMOs, and have only played a few, but they, when done right, are fun and addicting as hell (I'm pointing an accusatory finger at you, World of Warcraft). From what I've been seeing thus far in the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, I do not think I have anything to worry about. I have the utmost trust in Bioware, as I have yet to play a game of theirs that was anything less than stellar, and the third entry in their Mass Effect series is one of my most anticipated titles of 2011.

For those who do not know, the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), a convention for all things "nerd" in Boston, is happening this weekend. And I'm stuck here in Los Angeles.


Anyway, there's going to be lots of trailer premieres and live gameplay demos at the convention this weekend, which I plan on reviewing extensively next week, including new footage of SW:TOR and Brink, an upcoming shooter (and these are just two of the games right off the top of my head... it's a good weekend to be a gamer). I plan on doing a full write-up of my impressions once I have the new footage in hand (or on screen, as the case may be).

Until then, have a great weekend, everyone, and keep checking the blog for updates!

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